Techniques Employed For Carpet Repair and Restoration

Carpeting not only enhances the aesthetics of your interior furnishings. It is also a great way to insulate the various rooms it is installed in by keeping the floors warm. Nevertheless, high traffic and ageing will result in your carpet acquiring some damage. Failure to address these damages can lead to the gradual deterioration of your carpeting. This is why it is prudent to enlist professional carpet repair services once in a while to restore the appearance of your carpeting. Below are some of the different techniques that are employed for carpet repair and restoration.

Carpet stretching

The older your carpet gets, the looser its fibres become. This, in turn, can result in warping of your carpet, which would make it unsightly. Additionally, warping of the fibres will make the laminate that forms the base of your carpeting to wear out. Left unchecked, the carpeting will begin to exhibit signs of bunching or buckling in some areas. If you notice that your carpet fibres are beginning to appear loose or displaced, then it would be in your best interest to seek carpet stretching services. This technique works to realign the carpet fibres as well as tighten them therefore enhancing the shelf-life of the carpeting.

Carpet patching

This repair technique is also referred to as cut and plugging. If your carpet is located in a space prone to considerable activity, such as the living room, it will be susceptible to stains. Although some stains can be removed with regular detergent, some stains are more stubborn and significantly more conspicuous. With carpet patching, the repair technicians will seek to replace the affected area with a new patch of carpeting that matches your current carpet. This technique is best carried out using any leftover pieces of carpet that you may have. Nevertheless, in the event that your carpeting did not have any extra material, then the technicians can match the patch with their own collection of materials. After carpet patching, the orientation of the carpet may be changed in an attempt to conceal the patched area under furniture.

Carpet re-seaming

If your carpet begins to come apart at its seam, it is prudent to seek repair and restoration post haste. Left undeterred, your entire carpet can become unravelled in a short period of time. One of the easiest ways that carpet technicians can perform re-seaming is by applying specialised glue to keep the seam together. However, if the damage is extensive, then they would have to resort to removing the seam tape and seaming the entire carpet from scratch.
